Extended theories of gravity
Principal Investigator: Stefano Liberati
- Gravitational Wave Astrophysics
- Structures in the Universe and Emergent Phenomena
- Theory and Phenomenology of Gravity
Abstract: Extension or modifications of General Relativity have become increasingly interesting as they could provide a possible alternative explanation of cosmological phenomena as dark energy or dark matter. Research in tis direction is aimed both at the understanding of the general structure of gravitation theories beyond GR but also to the discussion of specific models in order to test their cosmological predictions.
Status of project and perspectives: In recent years have explored several implications and tests of modified gravity (at the fundamental or effective level) in astrophysics and cosmology. In particular we have made use of a wide range of large scale stricture observations and forecast to constrain possible deviation from standard general relativity and the cosmic concordance model. Also, we have tested a model of non-minimally coupled dark matter in several setting. Finally, we have also investigated the causal structure and regular black holes of modified theories of gravity with a preferred frame. We plan to further explore all of these venues in the next future.
- Causal hierarchy in modified gravity
- Geodesically complete black holes in Lorentz-violating gravity
- Testing Non-minimally Coupled BEC Dark Matter with Gravitational Waves
- Degenerate Hořava gravity
- Self-gravitating Equilibria of Non-minimally Coupled Dark Matter Halos
- Raychaudhuri equations and gravitational collapse in Einstein-Cartan theory
- Empirical Evidence of Nonminimally Coupled Dark Matter in the Dynamics of Local Spiral Galaxies?
- Constraining beyond ΛCDM models with 21cm intensity mapping forecasted observations combined with latest CMB data
- Gravitational waves × HI intensity mapping: cosmological and astrophysical applications
- Exploring galaxies-gravitational waves cross-correlations as an astrophysical probe
- The impact of relativistic effects on the 3D Quasar-Lyman-alpha cross-correlation
- Calibration of systematics in constraining modified gravity models with galaxy cluster mass profiles